See: Description
Object Summary Object Description Companion InvalidChannelKey Messaging.initialize or MessagingFactory. NoResultReceived If a MessagingResult was expected out of this call, none was received. NotInitialized Messaging.instance was called before Messaging.initialize completed successfully. SdkNotEnabled Messaging.initialize or MessagingFactory. AccountNotFound Messaging.initialize or MessagingFactory. MissingConfiguration Messaging.initialize or MessagingFactory. ConversationNotFound Messaging was unable to find the conversation to display. -
Interface Summary Interface Description Messaging Public entry point of the SDK. SuccessCallback Convenience API to be notified when an asynchronous task is successful. FailureCallback Convenience API to be notified when an asynchronous task failed. -
Class Summary Class Description MessagingDelegate A delegate that can be implemented to customize certain Messaging behaviours. FailedToInitialize Messaging.initialize or MessagingFactory. MessagingError Messaging-related errors that can happen and be returned in a MessagingResult.Failure. Success A successful outcome with a value of type T. Failure A failure outcome with a message and an optional arbitrary Throwable cause. MessagingResult A discriminated union that encapsulates a successful outcome with a value of type T or a failure with a message and an arbitrary Throwable cause. -
Enum Summary Enum Description UrlSource In which UI element a URL was displayed to the user when it was clicked.