Sidebar Navigation

A navigation sidebar can be configured in your _config.yml by adding the sidebar property.

Sidebar navigation supports direct links or a single level of nesting with collapsible categories.

To support including pages in the sidebar navigation panel, the page must have front matter that contains an id.

Root Sidebar Items

To reference a page at the sidebar root, directly use its id in the list of sidebar items.

id: getting-started

## Some Instructions

  - getting-started

Collapsible Sidebar Items

To create a collapsible list of pages in the sidebar, create an entry with label and children. The children property must then contain a list of document ids to be included in that section.


  - label: Section One
      - document-one
      - document-two
      - document-three

Mixed Sidebar Types

You can mix both root level links and collapsible items in a sidebar.


  - getting-started
  - label: Dev Docs
      - doc-1
      - doc-2
  - deployment

Label Customization

By default, the title of a page will be used as the label in the sidebar. If you do not specify a title in your documents front matter then the first heading in the document will be extracted using the jekyll-titles-from-headings plugin (which GitHub automatically includes).

If you want to customize the sidebar label further, you can do so by setting a sidebar_label attribute in the front matter.

id: my-document
title: This is a really long title that is bad for a sidebar
sidebar_label: Long Title

## Some header that is also a bad sidebar title