A D E G H I P R V Z 


AnswerBot - Enum in zendesk.answerbot
Use this class to setup AnswerBot initialization.
AnswerBotEngine - Class in zendesk.answerbot
AnswerBotProvider - Interface in zendesk.answerbot
import zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBotProvider; ...
AnswerBotSettings - Class in zendesk.answerbot
This class models settings for Answer Bot returned by the Zendesk back-end.
ArticleView - Class in zendesk.answerbot
ArticleView(Context) - Constructor for class zendesk.answerbot.ArticleView
ArticleView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class zendesk.answerbot.ArticleView
ArticleView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class zendesk.answerbot.ArticleView


Deflection - Class in zendesk.answerbot
This is a model class for a Deflection object that will be created by the AnswerBotProvider.
DeflectionArticle - Class in zendesk.answerbot
This is a model class for a DeflectionArticle object that will be created by the AnswerBotProvider.
DeflectionResponse - Class in zendesk.answerbot
This is a model class for a DeflectionResponse object that will be created by the AnswerBotProvider.


engine() - Static method in class zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBotEngine
Returns the Answer Bot engine to be used in the Messaging SDK.
equals(Object) - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.Deflection
equals(Object) - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
equals(Object) - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionResponse


getArticleId() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getBrandId() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getCode() - Method in enum zendesk.answerbot.RejectionReason
getDeflection() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionResponse
getDeflectionArticles() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionResponse
getDeflectionForQuery(String, <any>) - Method in interface zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBotProvider
Gets a DeflectionResponse for the given query String.
getHtmlUrl() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getId() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.Deflection
getId() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getInteractionAccessToken() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionResponse
getLabelNames() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getLocale() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getScore() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getSnippet() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getTitle() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getUrl() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle


hashCode() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.Deflection
hashCode() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
hashCode() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionResponse


init(Zendesk, Support) - Method in enum zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBot
Initialises the Answer Bot SDK.
isEnabled() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBotSettings
Returns whether or not Answer Bot is enabled for the configured account.


provider() - Method in enum zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBot
Returns an instance of AnswerBotProvider if Zendesk and AnswerBot have already been initialized, or null if they have not.


RejectionReason - Enum in zendesk.answerbot
Enum modelling the different reasons a DeflectionArticle can be rejected.
rejectWithArticle(long, long, String, RejectionReason, <any>) - Method in interface zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBotProvider
Marks a deflection article as unhelpful and indicates that it did not resolve the user's issue
resolveWithArticle(long, long, String, <any>) - Method in interface zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBotProvider
Marks a DeflectionArticle as helpful and indicates that the article successfully resolved the user's issue.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBot
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum zendesk.answerbot.RejectionReason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBot
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum zendesk.answerbot.RejectionReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


zendesk.answerbot - package zendesk.answerbot