A B C D E G H I J M N O P R S T U V W Z 


ActionDescription - Class in zendesk.core
ActionDescription(String, String, int) - Constructor for class zendesk.core.ActionDescription
ActionHandler - Interface in zendesk.core
Defines a handler for an inter-SDK action, such as one SDK starting another one, without either SDK having a dependency on the other.
ActionHandlerRegistry - Interface in zendesk.core
Defines an interface for a registry of ActionHandler objects to be used for inter-SDK actions, such as starting an android.app.Activity from one SDK, in another SDK, without any dependency between them.
add(ActionHandler) - Method in interface zendesk.core.ActionHandlerRegistry
Adds an ActionHandler to the registry.
addNetworkAwareListener(Integer, NetworkAware) - Method in interface zendesk.core.NetworkInfoProvider
Add a NetworkAware listener object, which will receive updates to the network state via NetworkAware.onNetworkAvailable() and NetworkAware.onNetworkUnavailable() as long as the NetworkInfoProvider is currently in a registered state.
addRetryAction(Integer, RetryAction) - Method in interface zendesk.core.NetworkInfoProvider
Add a RetryAction, whose RetryAction.onRetry() method will be called the next time the provider is notified with network availability.
addTags(List<String>, <any>) - Method in interface zendesk.core.UserProvider
Calls a user service to add tags to a user on behalf of the end-user.
AnonymousIdentity - Class in zendesk.core
This class models an identity which is used to identify an End User within a Zendesk instance.
AnonymousIdentity() - Constructor for class zendesk.core.AnonymousIdentity
Creates a new, empty instance of an AnonymousIdentity.
AnonymousIdentity.Builder - Class in zendesk.core
This is a builder class which is used to generate a Identity
AnswerBot - Enum in zendesk.answerbot
Use this class to setup AnswerBot initialization.
AnswerBotEngine - Class in zendesk.answerbot
AnswerBotProvider - Interface in zendesk.answerbot
import zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBotProvider; ...
AnswerBotSettings - Class in zendesk.answerbot
This class models settings for Answer Bot returned by the Zendesk back-end.
ArticleView - Class in zendesk.answerbot
ArticleView(Context) - Constructor for class zendesk.answerbot.ArticleView
ArticleView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class zendesk.answerbot.ArticleView
ArticleView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class zendesk.answerbot.ArticleView
AuthenticationProvider - Interface in zendesk.core
SDK access to Identity.
AuthenticationType - Enum in zendesk.core
Enum to track the authentication type for a given app configuration


BaseStorage - Interface in zendesk.core
Low level storage description.
BlipsGroup - Enum in zendesk.core
Defines the different groups of blips which can be sent.
BlipsProvider - Interface in zendesk.core
A Provider for tracking user actions.
build() - Method in class zendesk.core.AnonymousIdentity.Builder
Builds a Identity object with the specified parameters.
Builder() - Constructor for class zendesk.core.AnonymousIdentity.Builder
Creates a builder which can be used to create an anonymous identity


canHandle(String) - Method in interface zendesk.core.ActionHandler
Determines whether or not the ActionHandler object can handle the given action String.
clear() - Method in interface zendesk.core.ActionHandlerRegistry
Removes all ActionHandlers from the registry.
clear() - Method in interface zendesk.core.BaseStorage
Clear everything from storage.
clear() - Method in interface zendesk.core.MemoryCache
clear() - Method in interface zendesk.core.SessionStorage
Clear all session related data.
clearNetworkAwareListeners() - Method in interface zendesk.core.NetworkInfoProvider
Clear all added NetworkAware listener objects.
clearRetryActions() - Method in interface zendesk.core.NetworkInfoProvider
Clear all added RetryAction objects.
configureOkHttpClient(OkHttpClient.Builder) - Method in class zendesk.core.CustomNetworkConfig
Add custom configuration to the OkHttpClient.Builder which will be used by the object returned by RestServiceProvider#createRestService(Class, CustomNetworkConfig).
configureRetrofit(Retrofit.Builder) - Method in class zendesk.core.CustomNetworkConfig
Add custom configuration to the Retrofit.Builder which will be used by the object returned by RestServiceProvider#createRestService(Class, CustomNetworkConfig).
contains(String) - Method in interface zendesk.core.MemoryCache
CoreSettings - Class in zendesk.core
This model contains the server-driven core SDK specific configurations that can affect how the SDK behaves.
createRestService(Class<E>, String, String) - Method in interface zendesk.core.RestServiceProvider
Create a RestApi from the provided class.
createRestService(Class<E>, String, String, CustomNetworkConfig) - Method in interface zendesk.core.RestServiceProvider
Create a RestApi from the provided class, with a configuration class for custom network needs.
createUnauthenticatedRestService(Class<E>, String, String, CustomNetworkConfig) - Method in interface zendesk.core.RestServiceProvider
Create a RestApi from the provided class to send unauthenticated requests, with a configuration class for custom network needs.
CustomNetworkConfig - Class in zendesk.core
Abstract class for customising network configuration, to be used by Zendesk SDKs in conjunction with RestServiceProvider#createRestService(Class, CustomNetworkConfig).
CustomNetworkConfig() - Constructor for class zendesk.core.CustomNetworkConfig


Deflection - Class in zendesk.answerbot
This is a model class for a Deflection object that will be created by the AnswerBotProvider.
DeflectionArticle - Class in zendesk.answerbot
This is a model class for a DeflectionArticle object that will be created by the AnswerBotProvider.
DeflectionResponse - Class in zendesk.answerbot
This is a model class for a DeflectionResponse object that will be created by the AnswerBotProvider.
deleteTags(List<String>, <any>) - Method in interface zendesk.core.UserProvider
Calls a user service to remove tags from a user on behalf of the end-user.


engine() - Static method in class zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBotEngine
Returns the Answer Bot engine to be used in the Messaging SDK.
equals(Object) - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.Deflection
equals(Object) - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
equals(Object) - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class zendesk.core.AnonymousIdentity
equals(Object) - Method in class zendesk.core.JwtIdentity


get(String) - Method in interface zendesk.core.BaseStorage
Retrieve the stored value for the provided key.
get(String) - Method in interface zendesk.core.MemoryCache
get(String, Class<E>) - Method in interface zendesk.core.BaseStorage
Retrieve the stored value for the provided key.
getAction() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserAction
getActionDescription() - Method in interface zendesk.core.ActionHandler
getAdditionalSdkStorage() - Method in interface zendesk.core.SessionStorage
Gets a reference to additional sdk storage
getArticleId() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getAuthentication() - Method in class zendesk.core.CoreSettings
Returns the authentication type enabled for the App configuration
getBrandId() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getCategory() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserAction
getChannel() - Method in class zendesk.core.PageView
getChannel() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserAction
getCode() - Method in enum zendesk.answerbot.RejectionReason
getCoreOkHttpClient() - Method in interface zendesk.core.RestServiceProvider
Gets an OkHttpClient that's not doing zendesk auth and is not caching responses.
getCoreSettings() - Method in class zendesk.core.SettingsPack
Gets core settings
getCoreSettings(<any>) - Method in interface zendesk.core.SettingsProvider
Retrieves core settings from storage if they are valid or network if they are not.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserField
Gets the date that the user field was created at
getDeflection() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionResponse
getDeflectionArticles() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionResponse
getDeflectionForQuery(String, <any>) - Method in interface zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBotProvider
Gets a DeflectionResponse for the given query String.
getDescription() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserField
Get the description of the user field.
getEmail() - Method in class zendesk.core.AnonymousIdentity
Gets the email address associated with this anonymous identity
getHtmlUrl() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getIcon() - Method in class zendesk.core.ActionDescription
getId() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.Deflection
getId() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getId() - Method in class zendesk.core.User
Get the id of the user.
getId() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserField
Get the id of the user field.
getId() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserFieldOption
Get the id of the user field option.
getIdentity() - Method in interface zendesk.core.AuthenticationProvider
getIdentity() - Method in enum zendesk.core.Zendesk
Return the current Identity for the SDK, or null if none has been set.
getInteractionAccessToken() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionResponse
getJwtUserIdentifier() - Method in class zendesk.core.JwtIdentity
Gets the JWT User Identifier
getKey() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserField
Get the unique key of the user field.
getLabel() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserAction
getLabelNames() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getLocale() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getLocalizedAccessibilityLabel() - Method in class zendesk.core.ActionDescription
getLocalizedLabel() - Method in class zendesk.core.ActionDescription
getMediaOkHttpClient() - Method in interface zendesk.core.RestServiceProvider
Gets an OkHttpClient that's doing zendesk auth and is heavily caching responses.
getName() - Method in class zendesk.core.AnonymousIdentity
Gets the name associated with this anonymous identity
getName() - Method in class zendesk.core.User
Get the name of the user.
getName() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserFieldOption
Get the name of the user field option.
getNavigatorLanguage() - Method in class zendesk.core.PageView
getOrDefault(String, T) - Method in interface zendesk.core.MemoryCache
getPageId() - Method in class zendesk.core.PageView
getPageLocale() - Method in class zendesk.core.PageView
getPageTitle() - Method in class zendesk.core.PageView
getPhoto() - Method in class zendesk.core.User
Get the URL for the avatar of the user.
getPosition() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserField
Gets the position of the user field
getPriority() - Method in interface zendesk.core.ActionHandler
Returns the priority of the ActionHandler.
getRawDescription() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserField
Get the raw description of the user field.
getRawName() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserFieldOption
Gets the raw name of the user field option
getRawTitle() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserField
Gets the raw title of the user field
getRegexpForValidation() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserField
Gets the regexp which is used to validate the user field
getScore() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getSdkGuid() - Method in class zendesk.core.AnonymousIdentity
Gets the sdk guid associated with this anonymous identity
getSettings() - Method in class zendesk.core.SettingsPack
Gets settings of the specified type.
getSettingsForSdk(String, Class<E>, <any>) - Method in interface zendesk.core.SettingsProvider
Retrieves SDK-specific settings and Core settings in a SettingsPack object.
getSnippet() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getTags() - Method in class zendesk.core.User
Gets the list of tags associated with the user
getTitle() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getTitle() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserField
Get the title of the user field.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserField
Gets the date that the user field was updated at
getUrl() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
getUrl() - Method in class zendesk.core.PageView
getUrl() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserField
Gets the API URL of the user field
getUser(<any>) - Method in interface zendesk.core.UserProvider
Calls a user service to get information about the current logged in user.
getUserFieldOptions() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserField
Get a list of UserFieldOption.
getUserFields() - Method in class zendesk.core.User
Get a map of user fields, associated with the user.
getUserFields(<any>) - Method in interface zendesk.core.UserProvider
Gets a list of user field definitions that are available in your account.
getUserFieldType() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserField
Get the type of the user field.
getValue() - Method in class zendesk.core.PageView
getValue() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserAction
getValue() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserFieldOption
Get the value of the user field options.
getVersion() - Method in class zendesk.core.PageView
getVersion() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserAction
getZendeskCacheDir() - Method in interface zendesk.core.SessionStorage
Gets the absolute path to Core SDK specific cache directory.
getZendeskDataDir() - Method in interface zendesk.core.SessionStorage
Gets the absolute path to Core SDK specific data directory.


handle(Map<String, Object>, Context) - Method in interface zendesk.core.ActionHandler
Invokes an action on the given action String.
handlerByAction(String) - Method in interface zendesk.core.ActionHandlerRegistry
Finds and returns the highest priority ActionHandler whose ActionHandler.canHandle(String) method returned true for the given action String, or null if no ActionHandlers returned true.
handlersByAction(String) - Method in interface zendesk.core.ActionHandlerRegistry
Finds and returns a priority ordered list of ActionHandler whose ActionHandler.canHandle(String) method returned true for the given action String, or an empty list if no ActionHandlers returned true.
hashCode() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.Deflection
hashCode() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionArticle
hashCode() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.DeflectionResponse
hashCode() - Method in class zendesk.core.AnonymousIdentity
hashCode() - Method in class zendesk.core.JwtIdentity


Identity - Interface in zendesk.core
This is a marker interface for handling different identity types which are used to resolve end users within a Zendesk instance.
init(Context, String, String, String) - Method in enum zendesk.core.Zendesk
Initialises the Zendesk Core SDK with your Zendesk subdomain settings and an Identity.
init(Zendesk, Guide) - Method in enum zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBot
Initialises the Answer Bot SDK.
init(Zendesk, Support) - Method in enum zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBot
Please use AnswerBot.init(Zendesk, Guide) instead. This will be removed in a future release.
isActive() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserField
Checks if the user field is active or not
isAgent() - Method in class zendesk.core.User
Is the user an agent.
isEnabled() - Method in class zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBotSettings
Returns whether or not Answer Bot is enabled for the configured account.
isGuideRequest(String) - Static method in class zendesk.core.UrlHelper
isInitialized() - Method in enum zendesk.core.Zendesk
Gets whether Zendesk.init(Context, String, String, String) was called with valid values or not.
isNetworkAvailable() - Method in interface zendesk.core.NetworkInfoProvider
Returns whether or not the network is currently available.
isRegisteredForPush() - Method in interface zendesk.core.PushRegistrationProvider
Returns whether or not the device is currently registered for push notifications.
isSystem() - Method in class zendesk.core.UserField
Checks if the user field is a system field or not


JwtIdentity - Class in zendesk.core
This class models a JWT identity which is used to identify an End User within a Zendesk instance.
JwtIdentity(String) - Constructor for class zendesk.core.JwtIdentity
Creates a JWT identity that will be used during identification of a user.


MemoryCache - Interface in zendesk.core
Cache for storing data at the application level to survive config changes, prevents pollution of the parcelable buffers when handing larger objects.


NetworkAware - Interface in zendesk.core
Interface to indicate that an implementer is aware of changes to network state
NetworkInfoProvider - Interface in zendesk.core
A provider which will provide information about network connectivity.


onNetworkAvailable() - Method in interface zendesk.core.NetworkAware
Called when network connectivity is available
onNetworkUnavailable() - Method in interface zendesk.core.NetworkAware
Called when network connectivity is unavailable.
onRetry() - Method in interface zendesk.core.RetryAction
Called when actions should be retried


PageView - Class in zendesk.core
Model class for BlipsPageView used in BlipsProvider.sendBlip(PageView, BlipsGroup).
PageView(String, String, String, String, String, Long, String) - Constructor for class zendesk.core.PageView
PageView(String, String, String, String, String, Long, String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class zendesk.core.PageView
provider() - Method in enum zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBot
Returns an instance of AnswerBotProvider if Zendesk and AnswerBot have already been initialized, or null if they have not.
provider() - Method in enum zendesk.core.Zendesk
Gets a ProviderStore for accessing all available SDK Providers.
ProviderStore - Interface in zendesk.core
Interface used to expose Providers through Zendesk.
pushRegistrationProvider() - Method in interface zendesk.core.ProviderStore
Returns an implementation of PushRegistrationProvider
PushRegistrationProvider - Interface in zendesk.core
A provider which will offer a higher level of abstraction compared to the PushRegistrationService
You can create an instance of PushRegistrationProvider like this:
put(String, Object) - Method in interface zendesk.core.BaseStorage
Store the the given key value pair.
put(String, Object) - Method in interface zendesk.core.MemoryCache
put(String, String) - Method in interface zendesk.core.BaseStorage
Store the the given key value pair.


register() - Method in interface zendesk.core.NetworkInfoProvider
Begin listening for network change events.
registerWithDeviceIdentifier(String, <any>) - Method in interface zendesk.core.PushRegistrationProvider
Calls a push registration service to register a given identifier to receive push notifications.
registerWithUAChannelId(String, <any>) - Method in interface zendesk.core.PushRegistrationProvider
Calls a push registration service to register a given Urban Airship channel id to receive push notifications.
RejectionReason - Enum in zendesk.answerbot
Enum modelling the different reasons a DeflectionArticle can be rejected.
rejectWithArticle(long, long, String, RejectionReason, <any>) - Method in interface zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBotProvider
Marks a deflection article as unhelpful and indicates that it did not resolve the user's issue
remove(String) - Method in interface zendesk.core.BaseStorage
Remove the stored value for the provided key.
remove(String) - Method in interface zendesk.core.MemoryCache
remove(ActionHandler) - Method in interface zendesk.core.ActionHandlerRegistry
Removes an ActionHandler from the registry.
removeNetworkAwareListener(Integer) - Method in interface zendesk.core.NetworkInfoProvider
Remove a NetworkAware listener object so that it will no longer receive updates to network state.
removeRetryAction(Integer) - Method in interface zendesk.core.NetworkInfoProvider
Remove a RetryAction so that it will not be invoked next time the provider is notified with network availability.
resolveWithArticle(long, long, String, <any>) - Method in interface zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBotProvider
Marks a DeflectionArticle as helpful and indicates that the article successfully resolved the user's issue.
RestServiceProvider - Interface in zendesk.core
A Provider which is used to create RestApis for sub-SDKs.
RetryAction - Interface in zendesk.core
RetryAction specifies behavior of things that can be retried


sendBlip(PageView, BlipsGroup) - Method in interface zendesk.core.BlipsProvider
Track a page view.
sendBlip(UserAction, BlipsGroup) - Method in interface zendesk.core.BlipsProvider
Track a user action
SessionStorage - Interface in zendesk.core
Class holding storage that is tied to a user.
setIdentity(Identity) - Method in enum zendesk.core.Zendesk
Set the Identity for the SDK.
Settings - Interface in zendesk.core
Marker interface for SDK-specific Settings objects.
SettingsPack<E extends Settings> - Class in zendesk.core
Object for holding core settings and SDK specific settings.
SettingsProvider - Interface in zendesk.core
A provider which will offer a higher level of abstraction compared to the SdkSettingsService
This provider is used internally by the SDK and does not need to be called explicitly.
setUserFields(Map<String, String>, <any>) - Method in interface zendesk.core.UserProvider
Sets the user fields for the current user.


toHelpCenterLocaleString(Locale) - Method in class zendesk.core.ZendeskLocaleConverter
Converts the specified locale into a string version which Help Center expects.


unregister() - Method in interface zendesk.core.NetworkInfoProvider
Stop listening for network change events.
unregisterDevice(<any>) - Method in interface zendesk.core.PushRegistrationProvider
Calls a push registration service to unregister a device to receive push notifications.
updateSettings(Map<String, JsonElement>) - Method in interface zendesk.core.ActionHandler
Notifies the ActionHandler of an update to settings.
updateSettings(Map<String, JsonElement>) - Method in interface zendesk.core.ActionHandlerRegistry
Notifies the Registry of an update to settings.
UrlHelper - Class in zendesk.core
UrlHelper() - Constructor for class zendesk.core.UrlHelper
User - Class in zendesk.core
This is a model class for a User
User() - Constructor for class zendesk.core.User
Initialises a user with default values.
UserAction - Class in zendesk.core
UserAction(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class zendesk.core.UserAction
UserAction(String, String, String, String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class zendesk.core.UserAction
UserField - Class in zendesk.core
This is a model class for a user field that will be created by the UserProvider as part of UserFieldResponse.
UserField() - Constructor for class zendesk.core.UserField
UserField.UserFieldType - Enum in zendesk.core
Enum for describing the type of a user field.
UserFieldOption - Class in zendesk.core
This is a model class for a user field option that will be created by the UserProvider as part of UserField.
UserFieldOption() - Constructor for class zendesk.core.UserFieldOption
userProvider() - Method in interface zendesk.core.ProviderStore
Returns an implementation of UserProvider
UserProvider - Interface in zendesk.core
Setting tags and fields on a user are features.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBot
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum zendesk.answerbot.RejectionReason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum zendesk.core.AuthenticationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum zendesk.core.BlipsGroup
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum zendesk.core.UserField.UserFieldType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum zendesk.core.Zendesk
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum zendesk.answerbot.AnswerBot
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum zendesk.answerbot.RejectionReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum zendesk.core.AuthenticationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum zendesk.core.BlipsGroup
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum zendesk.core.UserField.UserFieldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum zendesk.core.Zendesk
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withEmailIdentifier(String) - Method in class zendesk.core.AnonymousIdentity.Builder
Specify the Email to be used as part of the identity when using Anonymous Access
withNameIdentifier(String) - Method in class zendesk.core.AnonymousIdentity.Builder
Specify the Name to be used as part of the identity when using Anonymous Access.


Zendesk - Enum in zendesk.core
Configuration class for Zendesk Core SDK initialization.
zendesk.answerbot - package zendesk.answerbot
zendesk.core - package zendesk.core
ZendeskLocaleConverter - Class in zendesk.core
This class is responsible for mapping between Java locales and the representations of locales that Help Center expects.
ZendeskLocaleConverter() - Constructor for class zendesk.core.ZendeskLocaleConverter