
Interface ChatProvider

  • public interface ChatProvider
    A provider to access and modify the chat state.

    You can access it as follows:

         ChatProvider chatProvider = Chat.INSTANCE.providers().chatProvider();

    Make sure to initialize Zendesk Chat SDK first before accessing the providers, see Chat.init(Context, String) for more details.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void clearDepartment(<any> callback)
      Sends a request to clear the currently selected department.
      boolean deleteFailedMessage(java.lang.String failedChatLogId)
      Deletes the failed ChatLog with given ID from the local chat state.
      void endChat(<any> callback)
      Sends a request to end the chat session.
      void getChatInfo(<any> callback)
      Gets information about the state of the current chat for the current visitor.
      ChatState getChatState()
      Gets an immutable snapshot of the current chat state.
      void observeChatState(ObservationScope observationScope, <any> observer)
      Registers an observer to be notified when chat state changes.
      void requestChat()
      Sends a request to inform an agent that the visitor wants to chat.
      ChatLog.AttachmentMessage resendFailedFile(java.lang.String failedChatLogId, FileUploadListener fileUploadListener)
      Re-sends the failed file and updates the local chat logs.
      ChatLog.Message resendFailedMessage(java.lang.String failedChatLogId)
      Re-sends the failed message and updates the local chat logs.
      void sendChatComment(java.lang.String chatComment, <any> callback)
      Sends the visitor's comment on the chat experience.
      void sendChatRating(ChatRating chatRating, <any> callback)
      Sends the visitor's rating on the chat experience.
      void sendEmailTranscript(java.lang.String email, <any> callback)
      Schedules an email containing the chat transcript to be sent when the chat has ended.
      ChatLog.AttachmentMessage sendFile( file, FileUploadListener fileUploadListener)
      Sends a file and updates the local chat state.
      ChatLog.Message sendMessage(java.lang.String message)
      Sends a new text message and updates the local chat logs.
      void sendOfflineForm(OfflineForm offlineForm, <any> callback)
      Sends an offline form to contact the business when agents are offline.
      void setDepartment(long departmentId, <any> callback)
      Sends a request to set a department for chatting.
      void setDepartment(java.lang.String departmentName, <any> callback)
      Sends a request to set a department for chatting.
      void setTyping(boolean isTyping)
      Sends a request to inform involved agents whether the visitor is currently typing or not.
    • Method Detail

      • requestChat

        void requestChat()
        Sends a request to inform an agent that the visitor wants to chat.

        Use this method to proactively start a chat and activate the triggers that you defined in the Zendesk Chat dashboard.

      • sendChatRating

        void sendChatRating(ChatRating chatRating,
                            <any> callback)
        Sends the visitor's rating on the chat experience.
        chatRating - Chat rating
        callback - Optional callback for success and error handling
      • sendChatComment

        void sendChatComment(java.lang.String chatComment,
                             <any> callback)
        Sends the visitor's comment on the chat experience.
        chatComment - Visitor's comment
        callback - Optional callback for success and error handling
      • sendEmailTranscript

        void sendEmailTranscript(java.lang.String email,
                                 <any> callback)
        Schedules an email containing the chat transcript to be sent when the chat has ended.

        This method should only be called when the visitor is chatting, See ChatState#isChatting()

        email - the email address a transcript should be sent to
        callback - optional callback for success and error handling
      • setDepartment

        void setDepartment(java.lang.String departmentName,
                           <any> callback)
        Sends a request to set a department for chatting.

        Make sure to call this method only if not chatting already. See ChatState#isChatting().
        Otherwise, call #endChat(ZendeskCallback) first to end the current chat session, wait for the callback, and then call this method to select the department.

        Once the department is selected, new chats will be routed there until the selected department is cleared by calling #clearDepartment(ZendeskCallback).

        departmentName - the unique name of the department
        callback - an optional callback for success and error handling
      • setDepartment

        void setDepartment(long departmentId,
                           <any> callback)
        Sends a request to set a department for chatting.

        Make sure to call this method only if not chatting already. See ChatState#isChatting().
        Otherwise, call #endChat(ZendeskCallback) first to end the current chat session, wait for the callback, and then call this method to select the department.

        Once the department is selected, new chats will be routed there until the selected department is cleared by calling #clearDepartment(ZendeskCallback).

        departmentId - the unique identifier of the department
        callback - an optional callback for success and error handling
      • clearDepartment

        void clearDepartment(<any> callback)
        Sends a request to clear the currently selected department.

        Make sure to call this method only if not chatting already. See ChatState#isChatting().
        Otherwise, call #endChat(ZendeskCallback) first to end the current chat session, wait for the callback, and then call this method to clear the selected department.

        callback - an optional callback for success and error handling
      • endChat

        void endChat(<any> callback)
        Sends a request to end the chat session.

        Once ended, disconnects from the backend and propagates the result using the given optional callback.
        In case when a request to end a chat session fails, the error is propagated to the callback. The session will not be terminated on the back end, however a new session will be created locally and the old session cannot be restored.

        Once the chat ends, disconnects from the Zendesk Chat.

        callback - an optional callback for success and error handling
      • setTyping

        void setTyping(boolean isTyping)
        Sends a request to inform involved agents whether the visitor is currently typing or not.
        isTyping - true if visitor is typing, false otherwise
      • sendOfflineForm

        void sendOfflineForm(OfflineForm offlineForm,
                             <any> callback)
        Sends an offline form to contact the business when agents are offline.

        Note that this method should only be used when the Account or Department status is offline.

        Each invocation of this method creates a past chat with a single message from the visitor and the following information:

        • Visitor Name
        • Visitor Email Address
        • Visitor Phone Number
        • Selected Department
        If ticket creation is enabled in your Chat account settings, a Support ticket will also be automatically created for each offline form.

        Configuring the above information and sending the offline message looks like this:

              VisitorInfo visitorInfo = VisitorInfo.builder()
              OfflineForm offlineForm = OfflineForm.builder("this is an offline message").build();
              chatProvider.setDepartment(department.getId(), null)
              chatProvider.sendOfflineForm(offlineForm, null)
        You can also change the visitor information, select a department and send the form, all at once:
              OfflineForm offlineForm = OfflineForm.builder("offline message)
              chatProvider.sendOfflineForm(offlineForm, null)
        offlineForm - Offline form to be sent
        callback - An optional callback functions to be called when sending completes or fails
      • sendMessage

        ChatLog.Message sendMessage(java.lang.String message)
        Sends a new text message and updates the local chat logs.
        message - The message to be sent
        A newly created message log entry
      • sendFile

        ChatLog.AttachmentMessage sendFile( file,
                                           FileUploadListener fileUploadListener)
        Sends a file and updates the local chat state.
        file - the file to be sent
        fileUploadListener - an optional listener to inform the current file upload progress
        A newly created attachment message log entry
        See Also:
        #observeChatState(ObservationScope, Observer)
      • resendFailedMessage

        ChatLog.Message resendFailedMessage(java.lang.String failedChatLogId)
        Re-sends the failed message and updates the local chat logs.
        failedChatLogId - the identifier of the failed ChatLog
        A newly created attachment message log entry or null if resending failed
      • resendFailedFile

        ChatLog.AttachmentMessage resendFailedFile(java.lang.String failedChatLogId,
                                                   FileUploadListener fileUploadListener)
        Re-sends the failed file and updates the local chat logs.
        failedChatLogId - the identifier of the failed ChatLog
        fileUploadListener - an optional listener to inform the current file upload progress
        A newly created message log entry or null if resending failed
      • deleteFailedMessage

        boolean deleteFailedMessage(java.lang.String failedChatLogId)
        Deletes the failed ChatLog with given ID from the local chat state.

        You can obtain the identifier of the failed ChatLog by observing the ChatState, accessing the logs and checking their DeliveryStatus.

        Only a failed ChatLog can be deleted. Calling this method with an identifier of either pending or delivered log has no effect of the chat state and returns false.

        failedChatLogId - the identifier of the failed ChatLog
        true if the ChatLog has been deleted, false otherwise
        See Also:
        #observeChatState(ObservationScope, Observer), ChatState#getChatLogs(), ChatLog#getDeliveryStatus(), DeliveryStatus
      • observeChatState

        void observeChatState(ObservationScope observationScope,
                              <any> observer)
        Registers an observer to be notified when chat state changes.
        observationScope - the lifespan of the observation
        observer - the observer to be notified
      • getChatState

        ChatState getChatState()
        Gets an immutable snapshot of the current chat state.
        The current ChatState or null if there is no cached value
      • getChatInfo

        void getChatInfo(<any> callback)
        Gets information about the state of the current chat for the current visitor. See ChatInfo
        callback - Callback to deliver ChatInfo or ErrorResponse