
Interface ConnectionProvider

  • public interface ConnectionProvider
    A provider to access and control state of the web socket connection with the Zendesk Chat backend.

    You can access it as follows:

         ConnectionProvider connectionProvider = Chat.INSTANCE.providers().connectionProvider();

    Make sure to initialize Zendesk Chat SDK first before accessing the providers, see Chat.init(Context, String) for more details.

    • Method Detail

      • connect

        void connect()
        Connects to the backend.

        This method will only attempt to connect if not connecting or connected already and the account key provided is valid.

      • disconnect

        void disconnect()
        Disconnects from the backend.

        While disconnected and push token has been registered, the backend will start sending a push notifications until the session expires.

      • getConnectionStatus

        ConnectionStatus getConnectionStatus()
        Gets the current connection status. ConnectionStatus#DISCONNECTED by default.
      • observeConnectionStatus

        void observeConnectionStatus(ObservationScope observationScope,
                                     <any> observer)
        Registers an observer to be notified when connection status changes.
        observationScope - the lifespan of the observation
        observer - the observer to be notified