A B C D E G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W 


AdminActivity - Class in com.zendesk.connect
AdminActivity() - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.AdminActivity
aliased(User, String) - Static method in class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder
Aliases the given user with the provided alias Id
anonymousUser() - Static method in class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder
Constructs an anonymous user with a random UserBuilder.userId and no other identifying information
anonymousUserBuilder() - Static method in class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder
Constructs a UserBuilder with an anonymous user id to allow information to be added to the model


build() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder
Constructs a User with the current Builder configuration


com.zendesk.connect - package com.zendesk.connect
ConfigWorker - Class in com.zendesk.connect
Worker for scheduling the ConfigJobProcessor to fetch config and store the result the BaseStorage provided by the SDK.
ConfigWorker(Context, WorkerParameters) - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.ConfigWorker
Connect - Enum in com.zendesk.connect
Connect SDK public entry point.
ConnectActionService - Class in com.zendesk.connect
Handles tasks related to notifications sent by Connect.
ConnectActionService() - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectActionService
ConnectIpmService - Class in com.zendesk.connect
Service class used for processing In-Product Messages.
ConnectIpmService() - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectIpmService
ConnectMessagingService - Class in com.zendesk.connect
Service class to receive push notifications from Firebase.
ConnectMessagingService() - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectMessagingService
create(SystemPushPayload) - Method in interface com.zendesk.connect.NotificationFactory
Creates an instance of Notification to be displayed on device
createEvent(String) - Static method in class com.zendesk.connect.EventFactory
Create an event with no properties
createEvent(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.zendesk.connect.EventFactory
Create an event with properties
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload


describeContents() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
disablePush() - Method in enum com.zendesk.connect.Connect
Disables push notifications for the currently active user.
dismissIpm() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.IpmActivity
displayAvatar(Bitmap) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.IpmActivity
displayIpm(IpmPayload) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.IpmActivity
doWork() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.ConfigWorker
doWork() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.IpmTimeToLiveWorker
doWork() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.QueuedRequestsWorker


enqueueWork(Context, Intent) - Static method in class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectIpmService
equals(Object) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.Event
equals(Object) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
equals(Object) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.User
Event - Class in com.zendesk.connect
EventFactory - Class in com.zendesk.connect
Simple factory methods for quickly creating Event objects
EventFactory() - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.EventFactory


getApns() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.User
Get apns
getAttributes() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.User
Get attributes
getBody() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
getCategory() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
getDeeplinkUrl() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
getEmail() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.User
Get email
getEvent() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.Event
Get event
getFcm() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.User
Get fcm
getFirstName() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.User
Get firstName
getGroupAttributes() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.User
Get groupAttributes
getGroupId() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.User
Get groupId
getInstanceId() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
getLargeNotificationFolderPath() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
getLargeNotificationImagePath() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
getLastName() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.User
Get lastName
getNotificationId() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
getPayload() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
getPhoneNumber() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.User
Get phoneNumber
getPreviousId() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.User
Get previousId
getProperties() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.Event
Get properties
getSmallNotificationFolderPath() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
getSmallNotificationImagePath() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.Event
Get timestamp
getTimezone() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.User
Get timezone
getTitle() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
getUser() - Method in enum com.zendesk.connect.Connect
Gets the currently active user
getUserId() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.Event
Get userId
getUserId() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.User
Get userId


hashCode() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.Event
hashCode() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
hashCode() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.User
hideAvatar() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.IpmActivity


identifyUser(User) - Method in enum com.zendesk.connect.Connect
Identify a Connect user.
init(Application, String) - Method in enum com.zendesk.connect.Connect
Initialise Connect SDK
IpmActivity - Class in com.zendesk.connect
IpmActivity() - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.IpmActivity
IpmTimeToLiveWorker - Class in com.zendesk.connect
Worker called once an IpmPayload.getTimeToLive() is over.
IpmTimeToLiveWorker(Context, WorkerParameters) - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.IpmTimeToLiveWorker
isDefaultSound() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
isQuietPush() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
isSilent() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
isTestPush() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
isUninstallTracker() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload


launchActionDeepLink(Intent) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.IpmActivity
logoutUser() - Method in enum com.zendesk.connect.Connect
Logs the currently active user out of the SDK by clearing their identity from local storage and disabling push notifications.


MessageReceiver - Interface in com.zendesk.connect
Receiver that acts as a pass-through for non-Connect RemoteMessages, allowing an integrator to handle their own push payloads.


newBuilder(User) - Static method in class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder
Constructs a new UserBuilder from an existing User
NotificationEventListener - Interface in com.zendesk.connect
Defines callbacks that are invoked from notification events
NotificationFactory - Interface in com.zendesk.connect
Defines an object that creates display notifications


onAttachedToWindow() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.PinLinearLayout
onBackPressed() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.IpmActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.AdminActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.IpmActivity
onDeletedMessages() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectMessagingService
onDeletedMessages(Service) - Method in interface com.zendesk.connect.MessageReceiver
Called when the FCM server deletes pending messages.
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.PinLinearLayout
onFinishInflate() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.PinLinearLayout
onFinishInflate() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.ProgressRelativeLayout
onHandleIntent(Intent) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectActionService
onHandleWork(Intent) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectIpmService
onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectMessagingService
onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage, Service) - Method in interface com.zendesk.connect.MessageReceiver
Invoked when a RemoteMessage is received that does not belong to a Connect push.
onMessageSent(String) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectMessagingService
onMessageSent(String, Service) - Method in interface com.zendesk.connect.MessageReceiver
Called when an upstream message has been successfully sent.
onNewToken(String) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectMessagingService
onNewToken(String, Service) - Method in interface com.zendesk.connect.MessageReceiver
Called when a new token for the default Firebase project is generated.
onNotificationDisplayed(SystemPushPayload) - Method in interface com.zendesk.connect.NotificationEventListener
Invoked when a Connect notification has been displayed
onNotificationReceived(SystemPushPayload) - Method in interface com.zendesk.connect.NotificationEventListener
Invoked when a Connect notification has been received
onOpenNotification(SystemPushPayload) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectActionService
This method will be called after a Connect notification has been opened.
onPin(String) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.AdminActivity
onSendError(String, Exception) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectMessagingService
onSendError(String, Exception, Service) - Method in interface com.zendesk.connect.MessageReceiver
Called when there was an error sending an upstream message.


PinLinearLayout - Class in com.zendesk.connect
Created by jophde on 6/22/15 for Outbound.
PinLinearLayout(Context) - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.PinLinearLayout
PinLinearLayout(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.PinLinearLayout
PinLinearLayout(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.PinLinearLayout
PinLinearLayout(Context, AttributeSet, int, int) - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.PinLinearLayout
ProgressRelativeLayout - Class in com.zendesk.connect
Created by jophde on 6/22/15 for Outbound.
ProgressRelativeLayout(Context) - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.ProgressRelativeLayout
ProgressRelativeLayout(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.ProgressRelativeLayout
ProgressRelativeLayout(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.ProgressRelativeLayout
ProgressRelativeLayout(Context, AttributeSet, int, int) - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.ProgressRelativeLayout


QueuedRequestsWorker - Class in com.zendesk.connect
Worker for scheduling the QueuedRequestsJobProcessor to send all network requests in all of the queues.
QueuedRequestsWorker(Context, WorkerParameters) - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.QueuedRequestsWorker


registerForPush() - Method in enum com.zendesk.connect.Connect
Registers the currently active user for push notifications.
reset() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.PinLinearLayout


setEmail(String) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder
Sets the user's email
setFcmToken(String) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder
Sets the user's fcm token
setFirstName(String) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder
Sets the user's first name
setGroupAttributes(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder
Sets the user's group attributes
setGroupId(String) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder
Sets the user's group ID
setLastName(String) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder
Sets the user's last name
setMessageReceiver(MessageReceiver) - Static method in class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectMessagingService
Sets an implementation of MessageReceiver to be invoked when a non-Connect RemoteMessage is received.
setNotificationEventListener(NotificationEventListener) - Static method in class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectMessagingService
Sets an implementation of NotificationEventListener to be invoked when notification events occur
setNotificationFactory(NotificationFactory) - Static method in class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectMessagingService
Sets an implementation of NotificationFactory to be invoked when a display notification is being created.
setPhoneNumber(String) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder
Sets the user's phone number
setPreviousId(String) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder
Sets the previous ID for the user
setText(int) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.ProgressRelativeLayout
setTextColor(int) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.ProgressRelativeLayout
setTimezone(String) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder
Sets the user's timezone
setUserAttributes(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder
Sets the user's attributes
shouldHandleDeepLinks(boolean) - Static method in class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectActionService
Modifies the behaviour of the service to open any deep links when a notification is opened if any dependencies in the host app package can handle it.
shouldOpenLaunchActivityByDefault(boolean) - Static method in class com.zendesk.connect.ConnectActionService
Modifies the behaviour of this service to open the host app launch activity when a notification is opened and there is no usable deep link.
show(boolean) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.ProgressRelativeLayout
showIndicator(boolean) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.ProgressRelativeLayout
showText(boolean) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.ProgressRelativeLayout
SystemPushPayload - Class in com.zendesk.connect
Model defining the structure of a Connect system push notification.
SystemPushPayload(Parcel) - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload


toString() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.Event
toString() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload
toString() - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.User
trackEvent(Event) - Method in enum com.zendesk.connect.Connect
Track a Connect event.


User - Class in com.zendesk.connect
UserBuilder - Class in com.zendesk.connect
UserBuilder(String) - Constructor for class com.zendesk.connect.UserBuilder


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.zendesk.connect.Connect
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.zendesk.connect.Connect
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class com.zendesk.connect.SystemPushPayload