Class RateMyAppButtonContainer

  • Deprecated. 
    Rate My App is deprecated as of See our open source alternative instead.

    public class RateMyAppButtonContainer
    extends LinearLayout
    Defines the layout for the RateMyAppDialog

    This layout container will be generated dynamically from a list of RateMyAppButton definitions.

    This class is not intended to be inflated from XML.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RateMyAppButtonContainer

        public RateMyAppButtonContainer(Context context,
                                        java.util.List<RateMyAppButton> buttons)
        Creates and initialises the RateMyAppDialog UI.
        context - A UI context
        buttons - The list of button definitions to render in the dialog
    • Method Detail

      • setDismissableListener

        public void setDismissableListener(com.zendesk.sdk.rating.ui.RateMyAppButtonContainer.DismissableListener dismissableListener)
        Sets a listener that can be used to receive a notification of when a button is clicked that should dismiss the parent dialog.
        dismissableListener - The listener in which to receive the events that informs the dialog that it should dismiss.
      • setRateMyAppSelectionListener

        public void setRateMyAppSelectionListener(RateMyAppButtonContainer.RateMyAppSelectionListener selectionListener)
        Sets a listener that can used to receive notifications when a button is clicked. This can be useful to track events and propagate them to analytics.
        selectionListener - The listener in which to receive events that informs the subscriber which button was clicked.