Class RequestListFragment

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RequestListFragment
    extends ListFragment
    implements NetworkAware
    A fragment which will list the currently open requests for a given user.

    The list of requests that will be retrieved will be for the user that has been configured in, String, String, String)

    Attempting to use this fragment without having specified authentication in, String, String, String) will result in an IllegalStateException

    See Also:
    The request documentation for full details
    • Constructor Detail

      • RequestListFragment

        public RequestListFragment()
    • Method Detail

      • onCreateView

        public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,
                                 ViewGroup container,
                                 Bundle savedInstanceState)
      • onResume

        public void onResume()
      • onPause

        public void onPause()
      • onAttach

        public void onAttach(Context context)
      • onDetach

        public void onDetach()
      • refreshRequests

        public void refreshRequests()
        This will fetch the list of Requests from the server.

        This method will fetch the list of Requests from the server and set the state of the UI to indicate that loading is occurring. After the requests have been retrieved they will be displayed in this fragment's listview.

      • setRequestLoadingListener

        public void setRequestLoadingListener(RequestLoadingListener listener)
        Sets the RequestLoadingListener for this Fragment.
        listener - The listener to notify of the loading events of requests in this fragment.
      • onNetworkAvailable

        public void onNetworkAvailable()
        Description copied from interface: NetworkAware
        Called when network connectivity is available
        Specified by:
        onNetworkAvailable in interface NetworkAware
      • onNetworkUnavailable

        public void onNetworkUnavailable()
        Description copied from interface: NetworkAware
        Called when network connectivity is unavailable.
        Specified by:
        onNetworkUnavailable in interface NetworkAware