Interface ArticleVoteStorage

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ArticleVoteStorage
    Provides storage of an article vote for each article with an article id
    • Method Detail

      • storeArticleVote

        void storeArticleVote(java.lang.Long articleId,
                              ArticleVote articleVote)
        Stores an ArticleVote on the device
        articleId - The id of the article containing the vote
        articleVote - The article vote to store
      • getStoredArticleVote

        ArticleVote getStoredArticleVote(java.lang.Long articleId)
        Gets a stored ArticleVote from the device
        articleId - The id of the article containing the vote
        The stored ArticleVote or null if one is not stored or if the storage is unavailable.
      • removeStoredArticleVote

        void removeStoredArticleVote(java.lang.Long articleId)
        Removes an ArticleVote from the device
        articleId - the id of the article whose vote is to be removed