Interface RequestStorage

    • Method Detail

      • getStoredRequestIds

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getStoredRequestIds()
        Get the request IDs stored on the device.
        The list of request IDs stored on the device. If none are present or if storage was not initialised correctly it will return an empty list.
      • storeRequestId

        void storeRequestId(java.lang.String requestId)
        Stores a request ID on the device
        requestId - The request ID to store on the device.
      • setCommentCount

        void setCommentCount(java.lang.String requestId,
                             int commentCount)
        Gets the comment count of when the request was last read
        requestId - The request id
        commentCount - The comment count when the request was last read
      • getCommentCount

        java.lang.Integer getCommentCount(java.lang.String requestId)
        Stores a comment count when this request was last read
        requestId - The id of the request
        The timestamp that the request was last read
      • hasStoredRequestUpdates

        boolean hasStoredRequestUpdates()
        Check to see whether there is an RequestUpdates object in storage.
        true if there is an RequestUpdates in storage, false if not
      • getRequestUpdatesTimestamp

        long getRequestUpdatesTimestamp()
        Gets the timestamp in milliseconds for when the stored RequestUpdates (if any) was stored.
        the timestamp in milliseconds for when the stored RequestUpdates was stored, or -1 if there is no stored RequestUpdates.
      • setRequestUpdates

        void setRequestUpdates(RequestUpdates requestUpdates)
        Stores a RequestUpdates in the storage, and records a timestamp of the event.
        requestUpdates - the RequestUpdates to store.