Interface SdkSettingsProvider

  • public interface SdkSettingsProvider

    A provider which will offer a higher level of abstraction compared to the SdkSettingsService
    This provider is used internally by the SDK and does not need to be called explicitly. If you do need to call it, create an instance of SdkSettingsProvider like this:

          SdkSettingsProvider provider = ZendeskConfig.INSTANCE.provider().sdkSettingsProvider();

    Once you have an instance of the provider you can call methods on it and handle the results in callbacks. A success callback will give you the resource(s) that you are requesting. The error callback will be called if there was some issue with the method call and it will define details about the error in an com.zendesk.service.ErrorResponse

    For example you can get the SDK Settings like this:
       provider.getSettings(new ZendeskCallback <SafeMobileSettings>() {
           public void onSuccess(SafeMobileSettings settings) {
               // Handle the success
           public void onError(ErrorResponse errorResponse) {
               // Handle the error
    When you request SDK settings in this way the settings will be saved to the device also.
    • Method Detail

      • getSettings

        void getSettings(<any> callback)
        Retrieves the MobileSettings wrapped in a SafeMobileSettings object.
        callback - A callback which will be notified of the result of the call.