Interface SupportMvp.View

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface SupportMvp.View
    Defines behaviour for view operations
    • Method Detail

      • showContactUsButton

        void showContactUsButton()
        Shows the contact us button as a FAB
      • showHelp

        void showHelp(SupportUiConfig supportUiConfig)
        Shows Help for the given SDK UI configuration.
        supportUiConfig - The SupportUiConfig containing the category and section IDs, label names, and configuration flags to be used in displaying the UI.
      • showSearchResults

        void showSearchResults(java.util.List<SearchArticle> searchArticles,
                               java.lang.String query)
        Shows Help search results for the given query text
        searchArticles - The List of articles returned for the search
        query - The query text that was used in the search
      • clearSearchResults

        void clearSearchResults()
        Clears any currently shown search results from the view.
      • showLoadingState

        void showLoadingState()
        Shows a loading state
      • hideLoadingState

        void hideLoadingState()
        Hides the loading state
      • showRequestList

        void showRequestList()
        Shows the list of requests that the user has created
      • showContactZendesk

        void showContactZendesk()
        Shows the contact Zendesk component
      • showErrorWithRetry

        void showErrorWithRetry(SupportMvp.ErrorType errorType,
                                RetryAction action)
        Shows a snackbar with an error message and a retry action
        errorType - The type of error to display a message for
        action - The retry action to perform
      • showError

        void showError(int errorMessageId)
        Shows a Snackbar with an error message
        errorMessageId - The string resource ID to display
      • dismissError

        void dismissError()
        Dismiss the error Snackbar if it is currently displayed.
      • getContext

        Context getContext()
        Gets the View's context.
        The Context of the View implementation.
      • isShowingHelp

        boolean isShowingHelp()
        Tells whether the view is currently showing the Help Center, or Search results. While this is the kind of logical decision normally calculated by the presenter, in this case, with state changes etc, the view is the ultimate source of truth.
        true if the currently displayed view is the Help Center, false if it's search results.
      • exitActivity

        void exitActivity()
        Exits the activity immediately