Class TicketField

  • public class TicketField
    extends java.lang.Object
    Model class for ticket fields.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TicketField

        public TicketField(long id,
                           TicketFieldType type,
                           java.lang.String title,
                           java.lang.String titleInPortal,
                           java.lang.String description,
                           java.lang.String regexpForValidation,
                           java.util.List<TicketFieldOption> ticketFieldOptions)
        Constructor for creating an instance of a ticket field.
        id - ticket field id
        type - ticket field type
        title - ticket field title
        description - ticket field description
        regexpForValidation - regular expression for validation
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public long getId()
        Gets the ID of the ticket field.
        the ID of the ticket field
      • getType

        public TicketFieldType getType()
        Gets the type of the ticket field.
        the type of the ticket field.
      • getTitle

        public java.lang.String getTitle()
        Gets the title of the ticket field.
        the title of the ticket field.
      • getTitleInPortal

        public java.lang.String getTitleInPortal()
        Gets title of the ticket field for end user
        title the ticket field title for end users
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        Gets the description of the ticket field.
        the description of the ticket field.
      • getRegexpForValidation

        public java.lang.String getRegexpForValidation()
        Gets a regular expression for validation.
        a regular expression for validation
      • getTicketFieldOptions

        public java.util.List<TicketFieldOption> getTicketFieldOptions()
        Ticket field options, this field will only be populated for TicketFieldType.Tagger field types
        a list of ticket field options