Class MobileSettings

  • public class MobileSettings
    extends java.lang.Object
    This model contains the server-driven configurations that can affect how the SDK behaves.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MobileSettings

        public MobileSettings()
    • Method Detail

      • getSdkSettings

        public SdkSettings getSdkSettings()
        Gets the SDK settings.

        This method is returns an empty model if the model wasn't initialised yet. This means that it is safe to call this method but you must check any calls on the model itself for null values, e.g. SdkSettings.getContactUsSettings()

        The SDK settings
      • getAccountSettings

        public AccountSettings getAccountSettings()
        Gets the Account settings

        This method is returns an empty model if the model wasn't initialised yet. This means that it is safe to call this method but you must check any calls on the model itself for null values, e.g. AccountSettings.getAttachmentSettings()

        the Account settings