Class RateMyAppButtonContainer

  • public class RateMyAppButtonContainer
    extends LinearLayout
    Defines the layout for the RateMyAppDialog

    This layout container will be generated dynamically from a list of RateMyAppButton definitions.

    This class is not intended to be inflated from XML.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RateMyAppButtonContainer

        public RateMyAppButtonContainer(Context context,
                                        java.util.List<RateMyAppButton> buttons)
        Creates and initialises the RateMyAppDialog UI.
        context - A UI context
        buttons - The list of button definitions to render in the dialog
    • Method Detail

      • setDismissableListener

        public void setDismissableListener(com.zendesk.sdk.rating.ui.RateMyAppButtonContainer.DismissableListener dismissableListener)
        Sets a listener that can be used to receive a notification of when a button is clicked that should dismiss the parent dialog.
        dismissableListener - The listener in which to receive the events that informs the dialog that it should dismiss.
      • setRateMyAppSelectionListener

        public void setRateMyAppSelectionListener(RateMyAppButtonContainer.RateMyAppSelectionListener selectionListener)
        Sets a listener that can used to receive notifications when a button is clicked. This can be useful to track events and propagate them to analytics.
        selectionListener - The listener in which to receive events that informs the subscriber which button was clicked.