Class RateMyAppStorage

    • Constructor Detail

      • RateMyAppStorage

        public RateMyAppStorage(Context context)
    • Method Detail

      • getNumberOfLaunches

        public int getNumberOfLaunches()
        Gets the number of the times that com.zendesk.sdk.rating.ui.RateMyAppDialog#show( has been called
        the number of times show has been called on the dialog, or 0 if it is the first time.
      • getCanShowAfterTime

        public long getCanShowAfterTime()
        Gets the time in milliseconds (UTC) that the dialog is permitted to show after.

        The RateMyAppDialog can be configured to not show until a certain period of time has elapsed. This is controlled by RateMyAppSettings.getDuration() that is specified by the server. For example if on the first launch the system clock is 1388534400000 (Wednesday, January 1, 2014 12:00:00 AM UTC) and the minimum time specified is one week (604800000) then this method will return (1388534400000 + 604800000 = 1389139200000). On the next launch this method will check the current time in milliseconds against 1389139200000 and if the current time is greater than or equal to 1389139200000 then we're ok to show the dialog from a time point of view.

        the time, in milliseconds UTC when the dialog will be allowed to be shown.
      • incrementNumberOfLaunches

        public void incrementNumberOfLaunches()
        Increments the number of launches of the RateMyAppDialog
      • isNumberOfLaunchesMet

        public boolean isNumberOfLaunchesMet()
        Checks if the number of launches condition of the RateMyAppDialog has been met.

        This setting is determined by checking if the current number of times that the com.zendesk.sdk.rating.ui.RateMyAppDialog#show( has been invoked is larger than RateMyAppSettings.getVisits()

        true if the current number of launches is greater than or equal to
      • isLaunchTimeMet

        public boolean isLaunchTimeMet()
        Checks if the time condition of the RateMyAppDialog has been met.
        true if the time condition of the dialog has been met.
      • isRatedForCurrentVersion

        public boolean isRatedForCurrentVersion()
        Checks if the app has been rated for the current version of the app.
        true if the app has been rated, false otherwise
      • setRatedForCurrentVersion

        public void setRatedForCurrentVersion()
        Stores the version of the app that was rated.

        The version that is saved is automatically read from your App's metadata.

      • isDontShowAgain

        public boolean isDontShowAgain()
        Checks if the dialog should never be shown again to the user.
        true if the user has previous selected the don't show me again button, false otherwise
      • setDontShowAgain

        public void setDontShowAgain()
        Stores the version that the user had when they chose don't remind me again. This will cause the dialog to never show again.

        This may also be used to ensure that the dialog doesn't show again after feedback has been sent.

      • getSavedFeedback

        public java.lang.String getSavedFeedback()
        Gets the saved feedback for the FeedbackConnector if there is any.
        The saved feedback for the or null if there was no saved feedback
      • setSavedFeedback

        public void setSavedFeedback(java.lang.String feedback)
        Sets the saved feedback for the FeedbackConnector
        feedback - The feedback to save for the specified connector
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Resets all stored data for RateMyApp. Calling this may result in the dialog being shown again even if the user has previously called don't show me again or already rated for the current version.