- getApplication() - function in android.app.Service
- getApplicationContext() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getApplicationInfo() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getAssets() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getAttributionSource() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getAttributionTag() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getBaseContext() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getCacheDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getCause() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.AccountNotFound
- getCause() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.ConversationNotFound
- getCause() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.InvalidChannelKey
- getCause() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.MissingConfiguration
- getCause() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.NoResultReceived
- getCause() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.NotInitialized
- getCause() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.SdkNotEnabled
- getCause() - function in kotlin.Throwable
- getCause() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError.FailedToInitialize
- getCause() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingResult.Failure
- an optional arbitrary Throwable exception, null by default
- getClassLoader() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getCodeCacheDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getColor(java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.Context
- getColorStateList(java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.Context
- getContentResolver() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getDatabasePath(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getDataDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getDeviceId() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getDir(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getDisplay() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getDrawable(java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.Context
- getEntries() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.UrlSource
- In which UI element a URL was displayed to the user when it was clicked.
- getEntries() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.push.PushResponsibility
- Describes whether a push notification payload belongs to Messaging and the SDK is in a state in which the notification should be displayed.
- getExternalCacheDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getExternalCacheDirs() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getExternalFilesDir(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getExternalFilesDirs(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getExternalMediaDirs() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getFilesDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getFileStreamPath(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getForegroundServiceType() - function in android.app.Service
- getLocalizedMessage() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.AccountNotFound
- getLocalizedMessage() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.ConversationNotFound
- getLocalizedMessage() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.InvalidChannelKey
- getLocalizedMessage() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.MissingConfiguration
- getLocalizedMessage() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.NoResultReceived
- getLocalizedMessage() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.NotInitialized
- getLocalizedMessage() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.SdkNotEnabled
- getLocalizedMessage() - function in kotlin.Throwable
- getMainExecutor() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getMainLooper() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getMessage() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError
- a message describing this error
- getMessage() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError
- a message describing this error
- getMessage() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError.AccountNotFound
- a message describing this error
- getMessage() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError.ConversationNotFound
- a message describing this error
- getMessage() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError.InvalidChannelKey
- a message describing this error
- getMessage() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError.MissingConfiguration
- a message describing this error
- getMessage() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError.NoResultReceived
- a message describing this error
- getMessage() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError.NotInitialized
- a message describing this error
- getMessage() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError.SdkNotEnabled
- a message describing this error
- getMessage() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingResult.Failure
- The cause message if available, or empty.
- getName() - function in kotlin.PushResponsibility
- getName() - function in kotlin.UrlSource
- getNoBackupFilesDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getObbDir() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getObbDirs() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getOpPackageName() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getOrdinal() - function in kotlin.PushResponsibility
- getOrdinal() - function in kotlin.UrlSource
- getPackageCodePath() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getPackageManager() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getPackageName() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getPackageResourcePath() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getParams() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getResources() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getSharedPreferences(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getStackTrace() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.AccountNotFound
- getStackTrace() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.ConversationNotFound
- getStackTrace() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.InvalidChannelKey
- getStackTrace() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.MissingConfiguration
- getStackTrace() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.NoResultReceived
- getStackTrace() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.NotInitialized
- getStackTrace() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.SdkNotEnabled
- getStackTrace() - function in kotlin.Throwable
- getString(java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.Context
- getString(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Object) - function in android.content.Context
- getSuppressed() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.AccountNotFound
- getSuppressed() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.ConversationNotFound
- getSuppressed() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.InvalidChannelKey
- getSuppressed() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.MissingConfiguration
- getSuppressed() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.NoResultReceived
- getSuppressed() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.NotInitialized
- getSuppressed() - function in kotlin.MessagingError.SdkNotEnabled
- getSuppressed() - function in kotlin.Throwable
- getSystemService(java.lang.Class) - function in android.content.Context
- getSystemService(java.lang.String) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getSystemServiceName(java.lang.Class) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getText(java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.Context
- getTheme() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getUnreadMessageCount() - function in zendesk.android.messaging.Messaging
- getUserDarkColors() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.DefaultMessagingFactory
- getUserLightColors() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.DefaultMessagingFactory
- getValue() - function in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingResult.Success
- the value
- getWallpaper() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getWallpaperDesiredMinimumHeight() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- getWallpaperDesiredMinimumWidth() - function in android.content.ContextWrapper
- grantUriPermission(java.lang.String,android.net.Uri,java.lang.Integer) - function in android.content.ContextWrapper