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Messaging - class in zendesk.messaging.android
Public entry point of the SDK.
Messaging.Companion - class in zendesk.messaging.android.Messaging
MESSAGING_SHOULD_DISPLAY - enum entry in zendesk.messaging.android.push.PushResponsibility

This payload is from Messaging and the SDK is able to display it.

MESSAGING_SHOULD_NOT_DISPLAY - enum entry in zendesk.messaging.android.push.PushResponsibility

This payload is from Messaging but the SDK will not display it because the conversation screen is currently visible to the user.

MessagingDelegate - class in zendesk.messaging.android
A delegate that can be implemented to customize certain Messaging behaviours.
MessagingError - class in zendesk.messaging.android
Messaging-related errors that can happen and be returned in a MessagingResult.Failure.
MessagingError.AccountNotFound - class in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError
Messaging.initialize was called but no account was found for the provided subdomain URL and channel identifier.
MessagingError.ConversationNotFound - class in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError
Messaging was unable to find the conversation to display.
MessagingError.FailedToInitialize - class in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError
Messaging.initialize was called but it failed to initialize with all of its dependencies.
MessagingError.InvalidChannelKey - class in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError
Messaging.initialize was called but an invalid channel key was provided.
MessagingError.MissingConfiguration - class in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError
Messaging.initialize was called but no configuration was received from the server.
MessagingError.NoResultReceived - class in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError
If a MessagingResult was expected out of this call, none was received.
MessagingError.NotInitialized - class in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError
Messaging.instance was called before Messaging.initialize completed successfully.
MessagingError.SdkNotEnabled - class in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingError
Messaging.initialize was called but the SDK is not enabled for the provided subdomain URL and channel identifier.
MessagingResult - class in zendesk.messaging.android
A discriminated union that encapsulates a successful outcome with a value of type T or a failure with a message and an arbitrary Throwable cause.
MessagingResult.Failure - class in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingResult
A failure outcome with a message and an optional arbitrary Throwable cause.
MessagingResult.Success - class in zendesk.messaging.android.MessagingResult
A successful outcome with a value of type T.
moveDatabaseFrom(Context,String) - function in android.content.DefaultMessagingService
moveSharedPreferencesFrom(Context,String) - function in android.content.DefaultMessagingService
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