Interface BaseProvider

    • Method Detail

      • configureSdk

        void configureSdk(<any> callback)
        Loads all configurations that are needed by the SDK to to network requests.
        callback - A callback that will return a SdkConfiguration or an ErrorResponse
      • getSdkSettings

        void getSdkSettings(<any> callback)
        Retrieve an instance of MobileSettings. This method decides whether the settings should be loaded from the network or from local storage.
        callback - A ZendeskCallback that returns MobileSettings or an ErrorResponse
      • getAccessToken

        void getAccessToken(SafeMobileSettings mobileSettings,
                            <any> callback)
        Retrieve an instance of AccessToken. The method decides whether the settings should be loaded from the network or from local storage.
        mobileSettings - Valid MobileSettings
        callback - A ZendeskCallback that returns AccessToken or an ErrorResponse